Sunday, April 25, 2010

Well I guess this may be my last blog, as least as far as being assigned to do. If this wouldn't have been a homework requirement of class, I don't think I ever would have written any blogs. I am still not comfortable with putting my personal thoughts out for the world to see, although doing so has peeked my interst in maybe keeping a personal journal. So I guess you could say that something good has actually come from blogging.
Sometimes I just find it a struugle to think of something to write about. My life as I know it, is completely taken by school work and then domestic responsibillties come next. Some of the assignments that we get in English consume my thoughts enough that it hinders what I might be able to think of to write in a blog.
I do enjoy reading other classmates blogs and realizing that there are others out there that have the same issues and thoughts. It is nice to share that to help keep your sanity in this crazy world. Maybe, from this point forward, I may consider blogging because really no one will know who I am except for English class.
I am looking forward to my next semester. I think I did okay considering the number of years I have been out of school. I have learned a great deal in all of my classes.
So I guess for now at least this is farewell.

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