Sunday, February 21, 2010

I am sitting at the kitchen window looking at all the snow outside. It has melted a great deal the past few days but it is still too much left. In spite of all the snow, my husband and I are actually planning our routine summer vacation to Ocean City Md. We have been going there for many years and it has become second family to us. We used to go with my in-laws but my father-in-law is now deceased and my mother-in-law is not of physical condition to go anymore. We are just not ready to give up this routine yet. This year we are taking my nephew and his wife and their two kids ages 1 and 4. This will be a little different for us with younger children but will allow us some quality time as well. We usaully have a group of at least 8 people so there is always something to do and someone to do it with. My husband looks so forward to going, partially because it is difficult for him to get time off from the family business. He is a funeral director and even though he may be at home he is still working 24/7. We usually try to stay in an ocean front condominium. We love the serenity of listening to the waves and watching for the daily swim of the dolphins. We usaully try to do at least one thing new and different each year. Last year was jet skis and the year before was parasailing. This year we may charter a boat and go deep sea fishing and catch a variety of seafood of which we will keep and steam for dinner. Just the thought of going on vacation to a sunny beach in a few short months is helping me endure these winter blues.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

This has been a really tough week for me. I really wanted the snow but forgot how much work is involved with the digging out. My family practically dug out our whole block. All my neighbors are retired and no one could get in to help them. One good thing was that we had more hone cooked meals. School was closed for two days and I had all this extra time to complete my assignments. Well that didn't happen. I am no further ahead in studies than I was before the snow. I have taxes to get done and volunteer work also. I just wish there were more time. I don't know how some people do it.

We lost a friend of the family this week. Not sure what happened. He was found laying over the wheel of his truck. I guess it was just his time. A family member has open heart surgery but is doing well.

Today was Valentines Day. My husband and I went with some friends to Red Lobster for dinner. Had a great time. Came back home to reality and my daughter helped me clean the house.

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we return to school before the next snowfall thatI hear is coming.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

teenage children

How do you deal with teenagers and attitudes in this day and age? Things were not like this when I was growing up. When we were told we could or couldn't do something that was the end of it. I am dealing with a daughter who is 18, a senior in high school and for the most part is a real good girl. I however, have problems dealing with the attitude when she asks if she can do something.
For being 18 she doesn't run around much. Its usually school, work and home. She is just naive to the ways the world is and can be. We tell her she still lives under our roof so she can't do totally what she wants when she wants. With her being so naive, I guess her father and I feel that just letting her stretch her curfews a little at a time is better than just letting her go on her own. If she were more street wise I don't think I would hesitate as much. I just really question myself if the way we handle it is better or is it doing her more harm than good. Do I want to let her experience things slowly as I feel she is mature enough to handle them, or is this my way of not letting go?
Example: she comes to me at 3:30 and asks if she can go to a friends house. They will pick her up because of the condition of the roads. Where they live, they don't have cell phone reception. We have just had a major snowstorm. Lets not forget that the Superbowl is on tonight. So I tell her she needs to be home by 7. Normally her curfew is 9 on school nights because she is a bear in the morning. I asked her how late she was going to wait to discuss this and she said she just found out. Her attitude was that it is not enough time and she should be able to stay later. Not even thinking about the icy roads, like she is invincible. My response is, you don't call until last minute, the game is on and they are not going to want to leave in the middle of the game to bring you home and plus when the sun goes down the raods will get icy again. Normally she would probably call me at 6:45 and have some excuse to not come home on time as planned before she left the house.
Are there any other parents that can shed some light on dealing with teenagers and attitudes or in this day and age are we just supposed to let them do whatever, whenever even when there are circumstances such as the weather?