Sunday, February 21, 2010

I am sitting at the kitchen window looking at all the snow outside. It has melted a great deal the past few days but it is still too much left. In spite of all the snow, my husband and I are actually planning our routine summer vacation to Ocean City Md. We have been going there for many years and it has become second family to us. We used to go with my in-laws but my father-in-law is now deceased and my mother-in-law is not of physical condition to go anymore. We are just not ready to give up this routine yet. This year we are taking my nephew and his wife and their two kids ages 1 and 4. This will be a little different for us with younger children but will allow us some quality time as well. We usaully have a group of at least 8 people so there is always something to do and someone to do it with. My husband looks so forward to going, partially because it is difficult for him to get time off from the family business. He is a funeral director and even though he may be at home he is still working 24/7. We usually try to stay in an ocean front condominium. We love the serenity of listening to the waves and watching for the daily swim of the dolphins. We usaully try to do at least one thing new and different each year. Last year was jet skis and the year before was parasailing. This year we may charter a boat and go deep sea fishing and catch a variety of seafood of which we will keep and steam for dinner. Just the thought of going on vacation to a sunny beach in a few short months is helping me endure these winter blues.


  1. Sherrie,

    First, Thank you for responding to my blog. It really gives me an idea of what other people feel on the matter of "true Happiness" I appreciate you taking the time to review it :)

    On your current blog I love the fact you have traditions you carry out with your family I believe they are very important to have. I to used to go down every year as a family trip with my daughter and husband. Things changed a bit in my life and I can't always get down there now as much as I used to but I have to agree, the beach is a wonderful place to be to get rid of the winter blues.

    Secondly, I wanted to comment about your older blog about raising a teenagers. I read it and totally sympathized with as a parent because I am very much involved in my daughter's life and can still control what she can and can't do because she is only six. You on the other hand have a teenage daughter who will always "in your eyes" be your baby no matter how old she gets :) You are a protective parent...which is nothing wrong with that. There are many parents who do not get involved in the childrens lives and it does lead to future problems. One thing I do want to say: is that as much as you want to protect her, she is now 18 and this is her time to grow as a young adult. She is going to need to make mistakes in order to learn from them because if all you do is "smother her with ur love" it comes off as the opposite to her. You have to have "faith" in your daughter and in your teachings of her that she will make the right choices. Don't get me wrong there is a degree to all of this but now is her time to shine, so let her you trust her and have faith in her to do the right things. Hope this helps :) Sorry 4 the long comment...Oh and remember "YOU" are a good parent! Have a great day sherrie and thanks again for my comment.

  2. I love ocean city me and my family also go there almost every year. I think it is neat that you and your family always try to do something different we usually do the same things. Also I'm very jealous that you got to go parasailing I have always wanted to do that.
